Dunia Petak Umpet bercerita tentang seorang anak yang bermain petak umpet bersama teman-temannya. Dia berhasil menemukan teman-temannya di antara kendi, di luar pagar, di dalam kolam, di depan tembok, dan di berbagai macam tempat lainnya.
Dunia Lompat Tali bercerita tentang Adik Kecil yang bermain bersama Jerapah. Permainannya mudah, seperti pegang tanah, berputar, teriak hore!, dan mengedipkan mata. rnrnNamun, saat diajak main lompat tali, ternyata tidak bisa. Tapi hal itu tidak apa-apa. . Akhirnya mereka melakukan permainan yang si Adik Kecil bisa lakukan.
Di perjalanan membeli bubuk coklat, si Beruang bertemu seekor rubah yang menangis, seekor babi yang pemarah, dan tiga anak kelinciyang nakal. rnrnApa sebenarnya terjadi kepada mereka?
Kakek sering datang mengunjungiku. Padahal kakek tinggal di desa yang jauh. Tapi, sekarang kakek jarang mengunjungiku lagi. Apakah kakek sudah melupakan aku? Kakek..aku sayang kakek!
Mulan berbeda.rnrnApakah itu berarti tidak ada tempat baginya di antara keluarga dan teman-temannya?
Willie and Bobo are exploring. And just look at all they’ve found! There are spectacular sticks and teeny tiny non-bitey roly-poly bugs. And this—a red bucket! Why, that would make the perfect boat for Bobo. But while Willie is marveling over the prospects of Bobo as sailor man, the boat—and Bobo!—start to drift away. Far away! Is there anything Willie can do to save his best bud? Perha…
Goose is back in an all-new school adventure! Everyone knows geese don’t go to school. So when Sophie hears flappy footsteps in class, it can’t be Goose, can it? HONK! It is Goose! There’s nothing better than a surprise visit from a friend, especially at school. rnrnReading this heartwarming follow-up to Goose, readers will delight in Sophie and Goose’s next fun-filled adventure.
The Three Little Pigs - Build a house with the Three Little Pigs to keep away the Big Bad Wolf! All you need is your everyday device and a touch of the free Hippo Magic App to bring the pages of this classic story to life.rnrnThe future of reading is here! Little Hippo® Books has reimagined traditional children’s books with interactive stories and adventures to engage and excite even the mos…