Dunia Petak Umpet bercerita tentang seorang anak yang bermain petak umpet bersama teman-temannya. Dia berhasil menemukan teman-temannya di antara kendi, di luar pagar, di dalam kolam, di depan tembok, dan di berbagai macam tempat lainnya.
Dunia Lompat Tali bercerita tentang Adik Kecil yang bermain bersama Jerapah. Permainannya mudah, seperti pegang tanah, berputar, teriak hore!, dan mengedipkan mata. rnrnNamun, saat diajak main lompat tali, ternyata tidak bisa. Tapi hal itu tidak apa-apa. . Akhirnya mereka melakukan permainan yang si Adik Kecil bisa lakukan.
Di perjalanan membeli bubuk coklat, si Beruang bertemu seekor rubah yang menangis, seekor babi yang pemarah, dan tiga anak kelinciyang nakal. rnrnApa sebenarnya terjadi kepada mereka?
Kakek sering datang mengunjungiku. Padahal kakek tinggal di desa yang jauh. Tapi, sekarang kakek jarang mengunjungiku lagi. Apakah kakek sudah melupakan aku? Kakek..aku sayang kakek!
Mulan berbeda.rnrnApakah itu berarti tidak ada tempat baginya di antara keluarga dan teman-temannya?
Gus, a raccoon who loves all things sweet, learns what happens when you want something too much. After Gus gets caught taking candy from the store, Papa reminds him that temptation might be strong for us, but it's not too strong for Jesus. Both Gus and Papa can ask Jesus for help when they want something too much.rnrnA new series of hardback, illustrated children's books for three-to eight-year…
Henry the hedgehog loves his pet ladybug. She keeps him company and entertains him, his family, and his friends with her flying tricks. But one day, he has to say good-bye to his ladybug. Henry and his whole family are sad, but they learn to go to Jesus with their sadness and ask him to comfort them.rnrnA new series of hardback, illustrated children's books for three-to eight-year-olds--each ce…
Tori the turtle feels all alone. She has just moved to a new pond and a new school with her family and it seems like everyone has a friend except her. Her teacher notices she feels alone and helps her remember Jesus is always her friend and then along the way she makes some new friends.rnrnA new series of hardback, illustrated children's books for three-to eight-year-olds--each centered on an a…